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Floor Pattern 2

Floor Pattern 2
We'll begin this tutorial by going to the main menu and selecting "File" then "New..." and typing 31 for the width and 32 for the heigth. Click "OK". Next, select the "Elipse Tool" and draw two circles using the below settings.

Now right click on the circle layer and select, "Blending Options...". Now click on "Drop Shadow".

use settings at left
Do not click OK yet... still more to do

Now click on "Inner Shadow".

use settings at left
You may now click OK.

Use the above style on both circles. Then, duplicate the two circles and clear their layer styles by right clicking on the layers in the layer palette and choosing "Clear Layer Style" from the menu. Then turn the Fill down to 0% on the duplicated circles.

Now right click on the duplicated circle layer and select, "Blending Options...". Now click on "Drop Shadow".

use settings at left
You may now click OK.
Next, go to the main menu and select "Edit" then "Define Pattern". Give this pattern a name and click OK.
Next, create a new document/canvas at a size of your choice. Background color does not mater.

Now right click on the background layer and select, "Blending Options...". Now click on " Pattern Overlay".

use settings at left
You may now click OK.

Then, duplicate the background layer and clear the layer styles by right clicking on the layer in the layer palette and choosing "Clear Layer Style" from the menu.

Now right click on the shape layer and select, "Blending Options...".

Change the Fill Opacity to 0%.
Do not click OK yet... still more to do

Now click on "Gradient Overlay".

use settings at left
You may now click OK.
The Results!!!
Now you have another nice background for future use. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

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