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Out of Bounds Tiger

Out of Bounds Tiger
To begin, download the below image and open in Photoshop.
Then select the "Pen Tool" and draw the below shape as illustrated. Color does not matter. Name this layer "Screen Outline".
Next, download the below image of the tigers and open in Photoshop.
Now drag the image of the tigers to the television canvas and turn the opacity down a touch to make it an easier working environment.
Now "Ctrl" click the "Screen Outline" layer to create a selection around it then you can delete the "Screen Outline" layer in the Layers Palette. Next, while holding the "Shift" key in on your keyboard and using the "Rectangular Marquee Tool" make a rough selection around the paws of the tiger as well.

Then go to the main menu and click on "
Select" and then "Inverse" then go to "Edit" and lastly "Cut".

You should now have the below image.
Now select the "Eraser Tool" and select a size 5 pixel semi soft brush. Then start erasing the back legs as I have done below.
The Results!!!
As you can see, I've brushed away the back right leg as well. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

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