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X-treme Text effect

X-treme Text effect

For this tutorial, I recommend those which have a good grip on the "Pen Tool". For those not familiar with the "Pen Tool", please view the "the Basics of the Pen Tool".

For the curious, for this tutorial, my inspiration came from a label on a Coleman cooler.

We'll begin this tutorial, by creating a new canvas at a size of 300 x 155 then choose a background image that suits your needs. I chose the below image, which I made earlier.

Next, select the "Pen Tool" and draw the below shape using 016ca2 as the color. Name this layer "Highlight".
Now, create an "X" shape again using the "Pen Tool" using 002e74 as the color. Name this layer "X".
Then, create the top part of the X using the "Pen Tool" using 064997 as the color. Name this layer "Gradient". Make certain that the Foreground color is now White and move to the next step.
Now right click on the "Gradient" layer in the Layers Palette and select, "Blending Options...". Now click on "Gradient Overlay".
use settings at left
You may now click OK.

You should now have the below image.
Select the "Text Tool" and use the below settings. Download the typeface here.
Now type "treme" above the X layers.
Now right click on the "treme" layer in the Layers Palette and select, "Blending Options...". Now click on "Drop Shadow".
use settings at left
Do not click "OK" yet. Still more to do.
Now click on "Inner Shadow".
use settings at left
Do not click "OK" yet. Still more to do.
Now click on "Gradient Overlay".
use settings at left
You may now click OK.
You should now have the below image.

Select the "Text Tool" once again and type "Photoshop". Then apply steps 9 through 11.
You should now have the below image.
Now select the "Brush Tool" and use the below settings.
Now create a new layer and place beneath all layers except the background layer. Change the Foreground color to White and click once beneath the X as the below image illustrates. Name this layer "Light" for lack of a better word.
Now right click on the "Light" layer in the Layers Palette and select, "Blending Options...". Now click on "Outer Glow".
use settings at left
You may now click "OK".
You should now have the below image.
The Results!!!
I've added some background curvy things using the "Pen Tool" with low opacity, but that's it. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.

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