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"UP" in Lights

"UP" in Lights
We'll begin this tutorial, by creating a new Canvas at a size of 15 by 14 pixel canvas. Next, change the foreground to White and choose the "Elipse Tool." Draw four circles as I have done below. I have Black as the Background so I can see what I am doing. Once you are satisfied with the placement of your circles, uncheck the background layer, to make it invisible, then go to "Edit" then "Define Pattern." Give it a name then click "OK."
Now create a new canvas then go ahead and choose the "Text Tool". I chose "Arial Black" as the typeface at a size of 136. Now type "UP" and move on to step 3.

You should now have the following:
Now "Ctrl" click the "UP" layer to create a selection around it and create a new layer. Now go to "Edit" then "Fill." Select the four circle pattern that you previously made and click "OK."
You'll notice some of the lights are cut in half and some are even almost all the way gone. I used the "Rectangular Marquee Tool" to cut away the bad lights.

Now right click on the new pattern layer and select "Blending Options." Next click on "Outer Glow".
use settings at left
You may now click OK.
The Results!!!
As you can see, I have added a few other items. Have fun with this one. I know I did.

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